We shall be known and called V&V Media Solutions. A Christian company specialized in Global Tech and Multimedia Services. V&V Media Solutions is a limited company that is a brainchild of Ministry Behind the Lens, a self-funded media ministry established by a Malawian Adventist pastoral family in 2015. V&V Media Solutions is an entirely privately owned profit-making company registered in 2021 to operate in Malawi and beyond. The company has four directors listed in its profile and a sizable workforce since its inception.
V&V Media Solutions believes that when God commanded Adam and Eve to populate and dominate the world, in that command, God's people are commanded to take a dominant role on every space on earth, which includes virtual space (media) (Genesis 1:28). The media ministry is what this company will invest much in because we believe that through media, the gospel can cut across boundaries the physical space poses that limit the proclamation of God's Word.
Social media is the place where young and older are present 24/7. Many of those that frequent social media are looking for truth. Unfortunately, we are in a misinformation age where finding an incredible depository of truth is not easy. As a media Solutions company, we shall do our best to present biblical truths accessible on many social media platforms that you must like, subscribe and follow to benefit more.
A forefront disclaimer is that the Seventh-day Adventist church in Malawi has its outlets and the proper officials within its ranks that can officially speak on behalf of the church. Therefore, people are asked not to treat views expressed by the hosts and presenters on the V&V Media Platforms as the official voice of the Seventh-day Adventist Church but that of the speaker or presenter.
Director of Operations
Director of Productions & Marketing
Creative and Design Director
V&V Media Solutions Ltd